In this section we sum up our recommendations on how you can ensure that the acquired skills are used at the workplace.
The recommendations build on the following questions:
- How to assess the companies’ satisfaction with VET completers’ performance?
- How to assess the VET-providers expectations regarding VET results?
- How to assess students’ satisfaction with their own performance in practice?
- How to process and present the data?
We recommend that you, together with other stakeholders:
- Build up a quality assurance approach to secure that the acquired skills are used at the work place
- Select and structure the consultation and collaboration among stakeholders (aimed at improving that the acquired skills are used at the work place)
- Define the sector/professional domain (with the participation of all stakeholders)
- Develop a common language to discuss job contents, profile and VET qualifications
- Get an overview of the data needed and available (to ensure that the acquired skills are used at the work place)
- Use the company survey and assessments of tasks and ability together with the company questionnaires
- Use the student surveys and self-assessments together with the student questionnaires
- Use the VET provider surveys, assessments and the classification of VET programmes together with the VET supplier questionnaire
- Support collaboration on the practical match (to ensure that the acquired skills are used at the work place)
- Develop and use instruments to measure the match of supply and demand (including measuring the satisfaction of employers and graduates on quality)
- Develop and use instruments to predict trends and developments (in labour demand and VET supply)
- Develop a structure and tools for how to share the data, analysis and conclusions (to ensure that the acquired skills are used at the work place) with all stakeholders
- Develop procedures to use the evaluations for adjustment (on quality of the students)
- Develop procedures for selecting the stakeholders to be involved in the review of quality (to ensure that the acquired skills are used at the work place)
- Develop procedures for how the use the conclusions from the review stage to the next planning stage (to ensure that the acquired skills are used at the work place).
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