About the conference

One of the most challenging things in vocational education is maintaining relevance between what is being taught and what is needed by the relevant industries. Hence, ensuring that students have solid job and career prospects.

But what do we do when a qualification is considered inappropriate or requires a different context in order to be effective? EU member states deal with this issue on a different way. This conference debates this side of VET. How to shift between applying gap analysis when reviewing courses and qualifications and moving to one that equips students and VET providers to be equipped to adapt to the inevitability of change.

This conference provides an opportunity for networking and ideas sharing in a friendly atmosphere between industry representatives, practitioners, researchers, and policymakers. The conference also contributes to building capacity and capability in VET research, by providing opportunities for engagement and learnings for researchers.

The conference is the final event of the Erasmus+ funded project “Quality standards for evidence-based vocational education: indicator 5 and 6 of EQAVET” (QSE-VET). The project aimed to develop guidelines with relevant indicators for VET authorities and VET providers for the assessment of the relevance of skills provided by VET institutions with regards to employers expectations.