The skills and competencies required in the job market are changing at an accelerating rate, representing an ‘ever-moving target’ for VET providers. Both the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Commission emphasise the challenge for VET providers to align the design of their vocational education and training (VET) with the needs of the labour market.
The project “Quality standards for evidence-based vocational education” (QSE-VET) aims to contribute to meeting this challenge in two main ways:
With guidelines, tools and examples to specify, measure and (im)prove the relevance of VET programmes
By ensuring that ‘evidence’ is placed at the heart of the dialogue between companies and VET providers

QSE-VET is focused upon how to foster effective communication and collaboration - between VET and the labour market. QSE-VET is underpinned by Indicators 5 and 6 of EQAVET – the European reference framework for quality assurance in VET. These indicators stress VET outcomes in terms of the placement rate of those who complete their training (indicator 5) and the extent to which both they and their employers are satisfied with the skills and competences acquired (indicator 6). QSE-VET brings these indicators to life, in a way that offers companies, students and the world of VET:
- a standardised approach
- a common frame of reference
- a mutual language
On this website, you will find guidelines that will help you to:
- Create a clear image of jobs and careers for VET programmes to relate to
- Identify and specify the essential components of evolving jobs in a clear and measurable way
- Get grip on the volume of VET completers demanded by the labour market
- Apply job requirements as a touchstone for (satisfaction with) practical performance
- Foster a culture of co-operation to ensure mutual understanding and commitment of all stakeholders concerned
- Assure relevance by using tools, techniques and quality cycles to ensure that their voices are integrated throughout in VET planning and review